Tag Archives: bowl moment

Take some notes and improve your life.

When I watch T.V, I watch only a small selection of shows (unless others are watching stuff around me.) A few of those shows are

-The Dr’s

– Dr Oz

– Dr Phil

When I watch shows like ‘The Dr’s’ and ‘Dr Oz’ I like to take notes – Because it is never too late and you are never too old, to learn more and improve your life or change the way you live.

Today I would like to share what I have learnt from todays ‘The Dr’s’ Episode “Myth or reality’.


Usually I would write down what I learn in a little note-book and share with a few people, but I know a few people who read my blog that could benefit from some of the stuff they shared.

Even though this episode had been filmed last year in 2012, it had only aired here in australia, so there is a huge chance that my american readers have already seen the episode and know about what I am going to share.

So as I mentioned earlier, the episode was a ‘Myth or reality’ episode. as dry usually do in these types of episodes, they did indeed go through some common myths about regular things.

The episode started with,

Is it healthy to have a bowl moment every day?’ this was a myth. Although it is of course healthy to poop (>.<)’ It is not a need that we do it every single day. If you like your once a day trip to the loo for number two, then by all means keep it up, but you don’t have to if on one day you feel like you can’t go. If you go less than 3 times a week, or have pain or feelings of constipation, increase your fibre intake for breakfast and drink more water. Also always remember to wash your hands after you go to the toilet, otherwise you can make yourself really sick and frequent the toilet more often than you would like.


Autumn the personal training robot” Yes, you read that right, a personal training robot names Autumn. 🙂 Now I personally have never seen anything like it, I prefer the traditional personal trainer (well my partner who is studying Personal Training and nutrition at the Australian institute of fitness.) But this little buddy is a good solution for those who can’t afford the constant cost of a PT (rates vary per PT and country). I would assume that the technology for Autumn has been updated, but on this particular episode they showed how Autumn interacts with the owner and how she stores and keeps track of your progress, calorie intake and exercising. Autumn will also have a conversation with you as she has conversational skills and will try her best to motivate you to stay on track.


“Is it ok to use sunscreen that is over a year old?” No it is not ok, not only do the chemicals used to make sunscreen change overtime (You should know this if you did chemistry and paid attention) But it also stops working… plus do you really want to be putting all those chemicals on your skin and your children’s skin? Lets face it, skin cancer is not fun at all, sun damage does not look great – sure having a tan is glorified but it is unhealthy and you can find better solutions to tan your skin then laying in the sun slowly sizzling your skin like a steak on the fry pan. Why not try a mineral based and water proof sun block? There is no need to re-apply this sunblock after it has been applied and it is %100 water proof – so you and the kids can go swimming and still be protected from the suns rays. On the episode they showed the Mineral Based Sunblock called ‘Tickle Time’

And lets clear something up here aswell, the sun does NOT cause skin cancer… but the ABUSE of the sunlight we are given does…


“It is always healthy to cook with olive oil” This is a myth, although olive oil is extremely healthy for you, you really need to be cautious of where you store it and how you cook it. When you cook it above 350 degrees (I assume because The Dr’s is an american show this means fahrenheit) which would mean 176 degrees celsius in australia, if you exceed these temperatures when cooking with olive oil, the oil becomes rancid and oxidizes – this is not good for you at all! Also storage, storing your olive oil in a place where there is sunlight causes the same effect. A suggestion was putting a few drops of Vitamin E Oil into your olive oil to stop the oxidation process.


Olive oil is among my favorite oils, I love to have a small teaspoon of olive oil mixed with balsamic vinegar (which is 0% fat and 0 calories plus fat metabolizing) with my salads. Also Olive oil is amazing for your skin, so olive oil based cosmetics are wonderful.


“Not all cheese’s are made with equal fat content” This is true, not all cheeses are the same and the most fattening is cream cheese.


“Obese teens eat fewer calories” This is true, usually obese teens became obese in childhood, so when the grow older, even though they eat less, they still don’t have much motivation to get up off the couch and do some exercise. One of the main problems with Obese people is although they see that they are fat, they are oblivious to what their organs on the inside look like and all the fat inside their arterys and around their heart. They usually don’t teach these things in school and most the time the TV is filled with the problem not the solution. So here is a few eye-opening pictures for you.


Do you see all that yellow around the bigger persons body? That is all fat. There is only an average of 2-4 KGS of bone in each person. And a lot of people are +50kgs over weight and it is doing damage to your bones, muscles and vital organs. As you can see in that picture the skeletal frame is only just able to keep itself from completely collapsing thanks to all your muscles and tendons keeping it all together.

“Does milk cause more phlegm production?” No it doesn’t, it just feels like it because milk is a similar consistency.


“Can flickering lights from your TV trigger your migraines?” Yes, they can but also it isn’t just TV’s that can trigger a migraine and it depends on the person. Some of the triggers can be – Red wine, Coffee, Chocolate, scented candles or incense, Yours or your partners perfume/cologne, stress and increased noise. So how can you tell when you are about to have a migraine? A lot of people experience something called an “Aura” which basically skews your vision and is usually described like this.



another symptom of a migraine onset can be nausea, difficulty concentrating and your speech may be distorted or you might have an inability to speak. Professionals suggest that you document your migraine because it could mean you have an underlying health condition, or your diet may need changing.  A diet of unhealthy food can cause migraines aswell. Documenting what you eat, when you eat it, what you are doing before your migraine comes on, how long it lasts and what happens while you have it, can be a great way for professionals to get to the bottom of it and to also tell you whether you are experiencing a ‘migraine’ or just a regular head ache.

Just remember everyone, make sure you include plenty of fruits, veg and meat in your diet. Balsamic vinegar and olive oil on your salad will not only taste great but assist you with your weight loss progress and take a multi-vitamin and plenty of Omega 3  AKA Fish oil capsules. Try to learn as much as possible (This does not mean learn as much as you can about someone else… Gossiping is wrong and extremely unhealthy also bad for your mental health. Especially if you are already jealous of someone.)
